Thursday, 18 February 2010

hello everyone having massive problems with the computer, managed to post a card today this is my first easel card, but had to scan it in 2 bits sorry, the image is crafters companions,hand made the flowers, and added some ivy leaves stamp and glitter on them, bye for now bluebell x.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

hello everyone had lost internet connection but a man came to fix it. an image from cafters companions. bye for now bluebellx.

Monday, 1 February 2010

hello again, have just been blog hopping, both bev from all the things i love, and Jane's blog have got candy, have had a go. thought if you was hoping bye take a look love bluebell x.
hello everybody, this is my attempt at the flower that bev did as her last tutorial, from all the things i love. i was very tempted to add glitter glue. but i think it would have cover the sanded bits. so will have a go next time. am still doing the inside of the cards to. hope you like the flower, have a go,love learning new things, lovebluebell x.